
About xilihelper

xilihelper is a helper tool for xiliplayer.

Thanks to Bonjour, xilihelper can find iOS devices running xiliplayer, search local media files, upload selected file to xiliplayer over WIFI or USB.

xilihelper is easy to use, just 3 steps:

1. Select device;

2. Select media files you want to upload to your device;

3. Click "Upload" button.

Main UI:

In settings page, you can drag drop your media directories to search path, for xilihelper can automatically scan these directories for media files.



Change Log

2019.6.30New: 1.0 released;

Products: Sealion Seacat Seaflower Seaspider Seasnipe Seastar Seadog Jiong WBXL Xultray webapp
iDocSet iDocSetHelper Blink templateJS skiafy tranid xiliplayer xilihelper i.zhuatang 原创歌曲
(C) 2025 ZHUATANG.COM, All rights reserved

update: 2019-6-30